Identifying Warning Signs A Dog May Attack A Child

A Texas family of a two-year-old girl says three Rottweilers mauled the toddler to death at her babysitter's house.

According to a GoFundMe page in memory of the child, authorities and paramedics responded immediately but were unsuccessful in reviving the little girl. She succumbed to her injuries, soon after.

According to local news reports, the Rottweilers have been euthanized, and their specimens were sent to a lab to be tested for rabies. The authorities will not press charges, according to the news report.

Marina Watts "Texas Girl, 2, Mauled to Death by 3 Rottweilers at Babysitter's House; Dogs Being Tested for Rabies" (Aug. 06, 2024).

Commentary and Checklist

Never assume a dog is "safe" because it is a small breed or a "child-friendly" breed by reputation. reports a study that says in dog bite incidents, only nine percent were attributable to the dog's breed. Dogs may not show when they are in pain, which means even friendly, family dogs have been known to bite their own family members when the dog is suffering with a hidden health condition.

If you work with children and take them on field trips to parks or other public places where people may have dogs with them, be vigilant. Never assume a dog will be friendly, even if the owner is standing right there and tells you, "Oh, this dog loves all children!" Maintain distance and respect the dog's space.

If you encounter an unaccompanied dog on the loose, there are signs a dog will indicate as to how they are feeling, and no matter what is indicated, back away from and create as much distance as you calmly can between you, the children and the dog. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises.

What are signs a dog is uncomfortable in some way and may bite?

  • Obviously, growling or snapping – that is what dogs do that feel threatened or angry.
  • "Whale eye" – a nervous, fearful dog may open its eyes wide and look at you sideways, showing a lot of the white of their eyes.
  • Tail tucking – a dog who feels afraid or cornered tucks its tail.
  • Lip-licking and yawning – dogs lick their lips when nervous or anxious, and yawn to try to relieve their anxiety
  • Stiff stance – a dog ready to bite may become stiff, especially the hind legs
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